International Toy Fair Nuremberg 2009 Internationale Spielwarenmesse Nürnberg 2009
The 60st Fair
It was the 60st time that the Toy Fair was held, a fact that did not go by unnoticed. The fair already is a major event for Nuremberg each year; it always is attended by the mayor of the town and the Bundespresident (a sort of gouvernor) of Bayern, who both speak at the official event at the evening before the opening. But this year Germany's first lady Bundeskanzler (Prime Minister)Merkel even visited the fair. For this evening event, one had to apply in advance, as the Bundeskriminalamt (the authorities) had to check all the guests. I confidently passed the test: my record of having played wargames in the past surely was the most violent thing they could find on me!
The evening started in style with the Nuremberger Symphonic Orchestra playing the theme from 'Starwars'
A matter of high politics: talking about open markets without specifically mentioning certain eastern countries ánd at the same time pass the buck to the German industry
The festivities were not restricted to the special guests on the first night: the fair was very generous in inviting all press, exhibitors and visitors to a large party in the press centre building on Friday evening, with acts from live bands, and food and drinks on the house.
Also, during the day on Friday and Saturday there were various acts of bands in the centre of Nuremberg to celebrate the 60st anniversary and share this with the citizens of the city.
During the fair, the press centre always is a good place to check your mail on the various pc's (unfortunately no Macs!), have a good cup of coffee and give your feet some rest.
The red arrow points at the building in which the press centre is located; the yellow arrow points at the halls were the board game publishers have their stands, with Ravensburger and Hasbro in another larger hall, far left. One can walk from those halls to the press centre (and back!), or take a shuttle bus that drives around the compound every ten minutes.
photo taken from
the aerial photo
in the press centre
Please note that many games were shown in their not yet finished form, some of them as a prototype. The final product therefore may change in appearance.