'Burgers' Zoo'
Author: Michael Schacht
Publisherer: 999 Games
Year: 2008
Recently Dutch publisher 999 Games has introduced the board game 'Burgers' Zoo' by the succesfull German author Michael Schacht. This excellent family game, in Germany published as 'Zooloretto', received the prestigious 'Spiel des Jahres' award. The game has been further developed for the Dutch market in cooperation with Burgers' Zoo from Arnhem. The colourful illustrations have been adjusted to the collection, and the imaginative ground plan has received the known structure of the vast and afforested zoo. Further, the latest expansion of the zoo, 'Rimba', already has been taken into account in the game. A new rule allows players to receive extra points when they have specific animals together in a compound, just as in Burgers' Zoo is the case.
The game will be supplied in a first print run with a discount voucher that allows a 25% discount on the entrance fee of the zoo. Also, Burgers' Zoo has included a colourful animal catalogue in the game that gives the game additional value.
For a full review of the original game: 'Zooloretto'.