
International Toy Fair Nuremberg 2013
Internationale Spielwarenmesse Nürnberg 2013

Schmidt Spiele
Two to five players find themselves crashed in the desert. Somewhere in the city they find an ancient spaceship from a lost civilization, and they have to collect the various pieces to make it operable again. These parts are hidden somewhere in the desert; at the start of the game all desert tiles are face down and players need to search them for the parts, eventually first removing the sand that is covering it. On the tiles could be found items that help players to fulfill certain tasks, but the tiles could also reveal where a certain part is located. that subsequently must be collected.
There is only one way to win the game: when the spaceship has all four pats mounted, and when all players are assembled at the lauch tile in order to return to home.
Players have two enemies: the sun, and the wind. When a player has taken his turn by spending his four action points, a certain amount of wind cards are drawn, related to a large storm marker. Wind cards could state: the sun burns, and each player loses one water.
All players lose when any one player runs out of water.
The most common cards are the wind cards that move one, two or three tiles in a specific direction. After the movement, the tileis covered with sand. One tile is no problem, but two or three tiles form a sand dune and are not accesible until the sand is removed.
Other ways to lose the game: when all sand tiles are depleted, or when the storm marker hits the skull. Have fun!

Die vergessene Stadt, Matt Leacock, Schmidt Spiele, 2012 - 2 to 5 players, 10 years and up, 45 minutes
